
Bridges of Indiana's Counties - Parke Co. - #50 Beeson (15/31)

Trekking Through the Tulips

Memorial Day

Michigan Lights - Kalamazoo

My Week That Was - May 26

Bridges of Indiana's Counties - Jackson County - #49 Shields' Mill

Encourage One Another

Neighborhood Owls

My Week that Was - May 19

Bridges of Indiana's Counties - #48 Parke Co - Rush Creek (14/31)

My First and Latest Brewer Ball caps

Mom's Day

My Week that Was - May 12

Bridges of Indiana's Counties - Parke Co. #47 - Neet (13/31)

Word on the Street

May the Fourth Batter Hit a HR

My Week that Was - May 5

Bridges of Indiana's Counties - # 46 Parke Co. - Big Rocky Fork (12/31)

Happy May Day!