May the Fourth Batter Hit a HR

The special "Braun Solo" bobblehead give-away for
the Brewer's Star Wars night 5/4/2018  (dwm photo)
This was my second annual trip to Star Wars Night.

Miller Park isn't the only stadium with a connection to the force; it happens across Major League Baseball each season.

Just a little more on your ticket price gets you a themed bobble-head of a Brewer player.  This year, Ryan Braun got the star treatment as "Braun Solo."

Last year, the Brewers had a laser show after the game which featured Milwaukee players as the Alliance in their fight against the Empire.  It was fun.

Travis Shaw get the Star Wars
treatment.  (5/4/18 dwm photo)
This year, home-team introductions included a Stars Wars take on their name.

Third baseman, Travis Shaw was transformed into a furry Wookie called Shawbacca.  (One of the games on the scoreboard between innings asked a fan how old the average Wookie can expect to live; the answer 400 years.  Which is whey Chewy seems to be in every Star Wars film!)

Some familiar characters were on hand, including the baddest of bad guys, Darth Vader accompanied by Storm Troopers.  But they had fun, a couple Storm Troopers held the finishing tape for the Sausage Race.
Darth Vader at home
on the visitor's dugout.
The Alliance were on the
Brewer's!  (dwm)

May 4 is Star Wars Day because it lends itself to one of the movie's everlasting catch-phrases, "May the Fourth (force) be with you."  Good Lutherans know the correct response is, "and also with you."  I liked the t-shirts worn by a couple fans.  They had the Star Wars "look," but read "May the Lord be with you," and verse from Second Thessalonians 3:16, Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.  The Lord be with all of you."

Just as you can see the Bible through fun at the ballpark, you can find it at the movies.  I suspect this completely depends on the perspective of the viewer, but as I watched the Star Wars saga unfold over its many episodes, I see a lost people and redemption brought through one man.

A narrative of salvation is common in a lot stories told through the ages.  The Star Wars movie is fun, but I am glad to rest my faith on the Bible.

On the field, Pittsburgh beat Milwaukee in a well-played game, 6 - 4.  Unfortunately, that is two losses in two games I've attended this year.  I will need to write a note of apology, I guess, to the team.
