My Week that Was - May 5

Something like this is on our windshield.
internet image
Last weekend we used our I-PASS the first time.

Admittedly, I was late to the party, but I don't travel on the Land of Lincoln's toll roads often.

Tolls paid by vehicles provide income to maintain the highway.  You can pay by stopping at a toll booth and handing over your cash or throwing coins in a basket.

More popular these days is placing one of these transponders in the car.  When you drive under an arch of electronic gear it detects your number and deducts the toll from your bank account, all at 65 of 70 miles an hour.  It is a lot faster than slowing to a stop, handing over some bills, waiting for change, and getting back to highway speed.

Jogging past a long line waiting for the one open toll-booth, it was money well-spent to get our I-PASS.

As an incentive, the tolls paid this way are half the cost of stopping to pay the toll.  When your account drops, it adds $20 into your I-PASS account from your bank.

There are more trips through Illinois to come; this will make those trips a bit faster if traffic is good.

The reason for the trip was a good one, by the way.  It was the wedding shower for our soon-to-be daughter-in-law.  During that long-time tradition of passing along the secrets of how to manage husbands from one generation of women to another; my son and I took took photos of three covered bridges.

New friends at work.  5/2/18  dwm
The ride from Wisconsin to Michigan and back in two days isn't so easily managed anymore, but having a day of rest before returning to work was welcome.

The campus at work includes a fair amount of green space, and a nature preserve.  On Wednesday I met a couple of new additions.

If you look closely at the photo, you will see two beaks and four eyes on the young Great Horned Owls.  Their mom was feeding them what appeared to be a rabbit before flying off with it.

There are some pretty cool shots, and I look forward to sharing them in an upcoming blog.

That's some of my week, I hope you had a great one!
