DWM Videos

The first photo collection I worked on started in 2009, driving around Indiana in pursuit of dozens of covered bridges. I've visited all the historic bridges in the Upper Midwest plus two in Missouri and some newer bridges making it 129 in the current collection, see them all in A Leisurely Look at Covered Bridges.


Trips to lighthouses in 2021 and 2022 added to the overall collection of lights we've seen on the Great Lakes.  Down the page you can find a video with narration on lights in Wisconsin, Indiana, and Michigan.  Here is a quick look at all the lights visited so far...

Here is a montage from early 2022 featuring photos taken of Bald Eagles over the Wisconsin River near Sauk City.  I hope you like it:

My -first video was a cut-down version of my PowerPoint presentation - a quick look at all the Buckys on Parade.  This one eliminates the commentary and shows all the statues.  If you want more information, scroll down to the second video.

This Biking to Bucky video takes you to each statue in a little longer look at each of the 85.  It was my first video to show Oakwood residents during COVID-19 called Biking to Bucky on Parade - Community Edition.

Collecting lighthouses has been an on-going pursuit since 2013; here's a look at the lights along Wisconsin's Lake Michigan shoreline and the six on Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin Lighthouses

Before and after the week at Mission Point, we visited most of the lights on the lower Michigan peninsula and a few in the Upper Peninsula.  We'll have to return to collect the lights along Lake Superior.  Trips to the Lights looks at lighthouses we've visited in Indiana and Michigan.

After producing these videos to show residents during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic, I found a way to use a lot of pictures that really couldn't stand on their own as a video... this is Sights of the Seasons.

Finally, here are the last two videos - with  quick tour of covered bridges and a long look at lighthouses and covered bridges, current through the summer of 2023.
