My Week that Was - April 27

New art is hanging in my office. 4/24/24 dwm
 Saturday was too cool and breezy to ride. 
 After breakfast I took a recently framed painting to my office so I wouldn't have to carry it in Monday morning. On the way home, I picked up supplies and a soda at Kwik Trip. 

 Most of the morning I sorted through the shots I took at the Badger concert, editing the photos so they would look better. (You can read the blog and see some of the shots here.)

 It was a quiet and normal day until I wanted to work on Sunday's blog. opened so I could get to the back-side of this website, except I couldn't start a post or edit previous ones. I tried to access the site several different ways, but it was locked down.  It was nearly four hours before I could write Sunday's blog. 

Wisconsin's Capitol. 4/25/24 dwm
Sunday was a good day for Wisconsin sports fans. The Brewers finished a three-game sweep of the St. Louis Cardinals followed a couple hours later with a stirring victory by the Bucks as they took game one from the Indiana Pacers. (Indiana won game two. The Bucks played hard, forcing overtime but the Pacers scored the winning points with just over a second left, they lead 2 games to 1.)

To hang the painting in the office, I put in a work order requesting a hook to be placed on the outside wall. I left a post-it note marking the spot. When I returned Wednesday afternoon, after a day-and-a-half on the east campus, it was hanging. (Come back tomorrow for more on this.)

Thursday was spent making phone calls, finalizing details of our next letter, and getting another set of letters ready to be mail. Mid-afternoon the leadership team met downtown with a company we've worked with for several years.
I've only been part of leadership a year, so I don't know if this happens often; it was nice to get an opportunity to meet with their leadership.  I enjoyed that because it meant I could thank them in person for being a Community Partners.The reception space has a great view of the capitol.

My pretzel from Kwik Trip. 4/26/24 dwm
 Friday I enjoyed another day off. I'm using paid time off earned last year and instead of taking weeks at a time, I'm taking three-day weekends instead.

 I didn't realize it when the day started, but thanks to our Kwik Trip app, I learned it was National Pretzel Day (not to be confused with Pretzel Sunday.)

 Later in the day, I had a hankering for a pretzel. At the Kwik Trip I couldn't find one and asked about them. He hadn't heard it was pretzel day until I asked him. I showed him their app selling soft pretzels for $1.

He returned from the kitchen to say they had them, but they were in the freezer, could I wait four minutes?

At this point, he'd gone through enough that I couldn't leave. Another team member said she realized it was pretzel day over the noon hour but it was too busy to get them out. Soon after, a personable young man came out with a warm Bavarian pretzel. It was worth the wait!

Thanks for taking the time to read this, I hope you have a great week!
