My Week that Was - February 10

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 If you caught the end of my blog posted February 3, you are aware of the medical setback that hit me a week ago.
 To catch you up, I was diagnosed with a kidney stone after waking up with a strange pain that subsided then re-surfaced with a vengeance, sending me to the Emergency Room February 2.
 The first night was my best night of sleep because of the advice to 'get ahead of the pain,' I used a high-level drug to knock me out.  One small Oxycodone pill removed the pain, allowing me to sleep, but the effects lingered throughout the day and days in unpleasant ways.
I was taking two ibuprofen pills every four hours, even waking up overnight to stay on track the first few days. For a while Saturday morning I wasn't in much pain, although my lower back was sore. I walked around the neighborhood, recommended as a way to get the stone moving.

Saturday was a fog. I stumbled (figuratively) around, not able to concentrate on reading about the next steps in the process.  I remembered the doctor's advice to drink plenty of water and move as much as possible, but I slept much of the afternoon.  I was hoping to hear a 'tink' sound in the toilet soon. 

The doctor said my stone was 4 millimeters.  The tiny unit of calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate that may be smooth or jagged seems to be making a slow journey. I presume mine has jagged edges because I'm guessing that's what causes the pain.

Based on my day Saturday, I decided to stop taking 'oxy,' unless the pain reached a level I couldn't handle.  The first couple of nights the best help to sleep was with a cold compress.  I didn't read anything saying not to do it but I did read several recommendations of warmth.  After the compress, I was close to pain-free for the first few hours.

From the first day on, pain fades and returns, it was intense enough I couldn't 'manage the pain' to go into work.  While I can feel reasonably good for several hours, if the pain steps up several points, I can only deal with it.  I'm missed most a week with this unwelcome visitor and I'd like to get back to work.

Sunday and Monday, I was using a cold compress until I read how important warm treatments are.  That choice took away a lot of sleep.  Beside ibuprofen, the doctor gave me a drug to prevent nausea (regular visitor the first two days) and a drug that make the internal tubes in our core expand slightly to ease the stone's journey.

The anti-nausea drug did it's job. The ibuprofen lowers the pain level a bit about 30 minutes after taking. I'd say the drug to make my tubes larger did their job but made me feel like I needed to urinate all the time, even if I just did.

I've taken more pills and potions this week than any other I can recall.  It's nearing noon on Wednesday as I write, and I wouldn't be this far without my wife has been around to provide care and support while dealing with grumpy me.  She's a good sport, helping me retrieve my laptop to check in at work.

All the medicine and sleeplessness have combined to make me hungry but with no appetite.  After Sunday I was able to keep food down but I'm eating small portions.

Wednesday night I slept for more than a couple hours for the first time since the trip to ER. That was a win and made for a much nicer Thursday.  The level and areas of discomfort weren't an issue most of the day but got worse in the afternoon. The pain seems to move from the left kidney to my left side. 

Sleep has been rough since this occurred, interrupted by aches and pains or trips to the bathroom. After a rough two hours, I managed to sleep 3 straight hours! I hope that means I'm getting better.

I was expecting Thursday to be the day the kidney stone would make its presence known.  It was not. 

Friday I met with a Physician's Assistant who provided more helpful information that I had previously.  I learned the stone is between the kidney and the bladder. When it gets caught on something, that sends pain radiating around the abdomen.  When she laid out how long it might take to pass the stone naturally, I didn't want to continue waiting for the stone to drop, so we won't.
One way or another, the stone will be gone on February 23. Either it passes on its own, or a surgeon will remove it.
I was given the OK to return to the gym and plan to return to work Monday.  This stone is soon to be a thing of the past, it's time to treat it as such.  Thanks for your concern, prayers, and kind thoughts. I hope your week has no such stones or obstacles of any kind!
