Rookies' Last Hurrah

Rookies - between Mazomanie & Black Earth.

 A few weeks ago, I read that Rookie's Food & Spirits near Black Earth was closing after 25 years in business.

 It's been a fun place.  Almost every inch of every wall and ceiling is covered in sports memorabilia.  There are plenty of TVs with the game of the moment on screen.  Out back there is field for kick or Wiffle ball.

 "I have decided to close Rookies Food & Spirits after 25 years. The last three years have presented too many challenges to continue.  Staffing, inflation, and a sharp decline in revenue have made this necessary."

Rounding 3rd & heading for home. 6/10/23 dwm
The restaurant closes Friday, June 30th.  Between now and then hours are limited to Friday and Saturday from 11:30 am to 9 pm.

The servers are wearing t-shirts that say on the back, "Please be patient, there's like 3 of us."  However the servers still provide service with a smile.

The ball field is available to rent.  It sure looks like fun.

The place is for sale.  I bet there is someone out there looking for a fun place to hang out where they can play a kid's game or enjoy a burger and a cold one with friends and fellow fans.  

Thanks, Rookies for good times and great service.  I tip my cap to you and your people.
