My Week that Was - May 27

Stopping on the Capital City Trail. 5/20/23 dwm
My week started on Saturday, as usual, but I didn't spend much time at the gym so I could get on the bike after a bowl of cereal.
Just 17 miles later I turned around in McFarland, stopping for a donut and chocolate milk at Kwik Trip before heading home.
I loaded my car with items for the local thrift shop.  The first place wouldn't accept a bed frame but the second did.  The bed and other items had served us well but it's time for someone else to use of them.
Lately it's been dry, although we're close to setting a record for a dry month of May so I guess we had cloudy days with little to no rain that still felt like rainy weather.
You may have friends on the cusp of retiring after decades of service; it goes with the mileage.  The older we get the more likely we are to know people who are retired; thinking of retiring; or preparing to retire.  A good friend left the chalk in the tray for the final time this week as he starts a permanent summer vacation.  I wish him well, confident a fulfilling avocation or two will fill the hours and need for purpose each of us desire.

The first three days of work were a blur.  Projects underway came to a close.  The 10th of 11 pizza parties was Wednesday evening.  There was a strong turnout and five households I hadn't met previously.  
Monday I had an interesting appointment.  I asked a donor how he was doing, the reply was 'terrible.'  As he told me why he felt terrible, I believed every line.  When he finished, I realized I had something to write for Thursday's blog.

Thursday was Brat Fest on campus.  It's part of the larger Brat Fest in Madison which is a two day cook-out and concert.  Organizers deliver bratwurst to senior living communities in the area and the two Oakwood campuses participated on Thursday and Friday.

I helped serve for an hour.  It was fun to see a lot of residents and co-workers as they came through the line.  Brats are part of the fabric of Wisconsin, due in large part to German tradition.  It's so strong that the Brewer's home stadium is the only one in the country where brats outsell hot dogs.

Friday I devoted time to writing, a visit, and finishing a legacy gift that will soon be in the mail.  It's a three day weekend, there isn't any thing big on the agenda but we are hoping to take a day trip.  Whatever you're doing, I hope you enjoy it!
