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Marquette Harbor Lighthouse. 9/16/22
 It's been fun over the last couple months sharing the latest lighthouse visits with you and add two more covered bridges to the list of those in my photo collection.

 As I worked through 14 posts on 19 lighthouses, I realized that I also needed to update the slide loop I use at my in-person presentations on lights and bridges, which meant updating the videos of the collections for each as well.

 For the quick-hit, one-photo version the final videos run approximately ten minutes.

 I've learned it's helpful to have something to show prior to my talks, so a second version of the virtual tour was created with two or more shots for almost every bridge and lighthouse.

 There are a few exceptions for lights that are simply a metal tower with a light on top and there are a couple bridges I shot from a distance because they were on private land where I couldn't get more than one view of the bridge.

When I photographed two Missouri covered bridges in the fall of 2021, I didn't add them to my talk because Missouri isn't part of the upper Midwest.  Since I frequently am asked by guests at my talks about other bridges, I show all the full-size bridges in the photo collection.

I hope you enjoy the videos: 

Short-version of bridge tour:

When I worked on the longer, more leisurely look at the bridges, I discovered the original PowerPoint needed to be updated from standard definition to high definition which required re-designing every slide.  I think it was worth it.

The longer look:

In putting together the quick trip, I didn't include both lights in a range light configuration unless one shot had both in it.  For my 'count' I count the range lights as one lighthouse.  Enjoy the fast 8-minute tour:

Last, here is the leisurely tour of the lights on the lakes I've seen so far...

You can find these and other videos at the DWM Videos tab on the home page.
