Poem for Thanksgiving

Autumn landscape design at Oakwood Village University Woods
10/5/2020 dwm photo
Happy Thanksgiving!

This holiday we may not be celebrating as we usually do, but I hope it finds all of us recognizing all the people and blessings in our lives.  During a difficult year like 2020, I think it very helpful to find those things for which we give thanks.

The idea for this poem of Dad's came from Psalm 119 which is an acrostic from the Hebrew alphabet. 

Acrostic for Thanksgiving 

All things, dear Lord, are gifts from you,
Bread and clothes and morning dew,
Clouds that decorate the skies,
Delicious home-made pumpkin pies.

Earth's majestic mountain scenes,
Fields of rich, luxurious greens,
Grains that turn a glorious gold
Have wonderous beauty to behold.

Ice freezes at our planet's poles;
Jupiter in orbit rolls;
Knowledge thus You've made our own,
Letting awesome power be shown.

Magnificent are your birds in flight;
Nature brings us much delight;
Orchids give a special thrill,
Permitting us to glimpse Thy skill.

Quenching rains when earth is dry
Reveal that you are ever nigh,
Seeing all the things we need,
Telling us of love indeed.

Under all Your endless reign
Various tongues Your love explain
With words or symbols that they speak;
X or chi is one in Greek.
Your only Son is seen is this;
Z from A is He.  What bliss!

                    W.R. Mossner
                    A Variety of Verse

Here's a look at the Thanksgiving posts from They used to call Me Pointdexter since the first one in:
