Bridges of Iowa's Counties - Marion Co.

Marysville Bridge, Part II  11/2/2019 dwm photo
The other half of the Marysville Bridge was supposed to be somewhere along County Highway T-17 southwest of Knoxville.

Based on my research I wasn't expecting any signs, but thought I could find it.

One reference indicated it was on the Wilcox Game Preserve on the east side of the road.  The only sign that said Wilcox was on the west.

I pulled over to ask the driver of a pick-up if he knew where I might find the bridge or park.

He wasn't sure, but suggested it was somewhere in a four mile stretch of where we were talking.  I drove north a couple miles, but didn't see any place near the road that looked like it could hold a bridge.
The bridge from the other side. There is no trail, just forest.
Part II bridges the gap over a steep ravine. 11/2/19 (dwm)

I turned and headed back south, getting a different view of the east side of the highway.

On the way north, I noticed a gate and some structures behind trees.  This time, I saw a gate and another pick-up.

I pulled on the gravel road, stopped the car, and got out as the man returned to his truck from unlocking the gate.  I introduced myself and explained I was looking for the Wilcox Game Preserve and the remnants of a bridge.

He was going to point me down the road to the preserve when he stopped and told me the old bridge was here.  However, he said there was going to be a shooting contest soon at the county's shooting range, but I could follow him to where I could see the bridge.

I said thanks and hopped in my car and followed him a short distance.

The old bridge crosses a ravine and
serves as a storage unit. 11/2/19 (dwm)
Just off the parking lot I saw it, the distinctive red frame of a covered bridge.

One wall had siding, the other side only the skeletal frame of old timber.

There are old construction barricades, a tank, and an ancient cart under the roof.  I took several pictures from the parking lot, walked across the bridge to get shots from the other side (above right), then clicked a few more before getting back in the car.

The kind gentleman who let me in was busy preparing for the contest, so I wasn't able to wave or say good-bye.  There isn't a lot left of the old bridge, it still serves, although in a limited capacity.

Marysville Covered Bridge, Part II
Built: 1891
Style: Town lattice through truss
Length: 40 feet - on county government land east of Knoxville.

Next Thursday, we see the first of the six Bridges of Madison County.  If you want to read up on other bridges, click here.
