Bridges of Indiana's Counties - Parke Co. - #61 Sanatorium (26/31)

The Sanatorium Bridge is now on County Road 100 N.
10/29/2011 dwm photo
The State Sanatorium Covered Bridge was moved just a couple years before my visit, then rehabilitated.

In its original location, the bridge was constructed so wagons hauling coal from nearby mines could deliver it to the sanatorium.

A century ago, sanatoriums were used to treat tuberculosis.  The idea at the time was to care for patients surrounded by clean air, sunshine, and good food.

The grounds were an island of society with its own school, power plant, dairy, bakery, laundry, chicken farm, dentist, doctors, and nurses.

The bridge crosses Little Raccoon
Creek.  10/29/2011 (dwm)
It opened in 1910.  The bridge was built three years later since it offered a more direct route from the coal mines to the school.

I was excited to see this bridge because the map I had showed its old location and it took some searching to find it.

Before moving in 2009 it was in disrepair.  It is likely its days were numbered before funds were allocated to move it to the site of an old bridge washed out years earlier.

The bridge is ready for another 100 years.  (dwm)
To move the old bridge it was stripped down to the studs and its Burr Arch Truss.  Then it was hauled a mile upstream where it was placed on its new home.

Parke County, IN
home to 31 bridges
internet image
The former state institution was eventually sold to private interests when TB wasn't feared anymore.  (Surprisingly, though, TB is not eradicated.)  The property then served as a nursing home.

State Sanatorium Covered Bridge

Built: 1913 by J. A. Britton

Style: Burr Arch

Length: 154 feet over Little Raccoon Creek near Rockville

You can see more bridges from Parke County, Indiana, and Midwest by clicking here.  The Parke County Covered Bridge Fest is coming in October - you can start your own collection.
