My Week That Was - July 21

Six years ago today was the first post to this space to ramble, grumble, and pontificate.

I'm sure July 21, 2012 is listed somewhere in the history books, but probably not for "They used to call me Pointdexter."

When I first wrote I didn't think this would still be going six years later.

But here we are, and the main reason is YOU!

1,860 blogs and 137,000 page-views later... I'm surprised, humbled, and grateful you joined me once and continue returning to this space.

Other than that mile-pebble (as compared to a milestone), I want to catch you up on the rest of the last week.
The new Air Conditioning unit. 7/17/18 dwm

We had a new heating and cooling unit installed Tuesday.

When we moved in three years ago, we knew there were a lot of years on the furnace and AC.  During our first inspection, we were told it was original to the building (1993), but otherwise in good shape.

This year the message after inspection was, "you should replace it."  Instead of waiting for an emergency requiring immediate action, we chose to do it now.

Bethke Heating and Air Conditioning in Verona did the work after assessing our home and providing a recommendation.

The hope is this Armstrong Air will keep us cool in the summer and warm in the winter while working more efficiently and saving cash on our heating and cooling bills.

And, we hope it works well for 25 years.

At week's end, our office team retreated to the Memorial Union Terrace on Lake Mendota.  Despite a few sprinkles we had a great time and enjoyed the burgers, beer, and Babcock Ice Cream.

Then last night, it was out to the ballpark to see the Brewers and Dodgers in the lid-lifter for the season's second half. 

That's a full week... I hope you had a good one.
