Bridges of Indiana's Counties - Montgomery Co. - #32 Darlington

Darlington Bridge over Sugar Creek
Montgomery Co.     10/29/2011      dwm photo
It is one of the prettiest Indiana spots for a covered bridge.

A winding creek slides past, over, and under rocks before passing below it.

A new bridge for higher speed traffic offers a perfect view of its much older cousin.

Three years after my visit, Montgomery County received a grant to begin planning the bridge's rehabilitation.

The wood block floor
is unusual.   dwm photo
I got to see it in its original garb.

The autumn leaves, the quiet stream, and the aging bridge create a timeless view.

Built in 1868, it features an unusual wood block floor (right).

Most bridges are planks over girders.  In some cases wheel paths are an extra layer of lumber over the bridge floor.

Back then this route was the only dry passage over the creek northwest of Darlington.  When it became operational the narrow roads leading to and from the bridge were busy with the day's trade.

Looking from the new bridge to the old.
10/29/2011        dwm photo
I enjoyed picking my way into the middle of the stream for bridge picture on the rocks.  The long road from the highway to the bridge afforded a variety of angles.

The bridge was built thanks to donations from local citizens.

Can you imagine that today?

Citizens helped again nearly 140 years later as they banded together to begin restoring it to its previous grandeur.

They have one tremendous advantage, a picture perfect location for a beautiful bridge.

Darlington Covered Bridge
Montgomery Co.
Internet image

Built: 1867
Style:  Howe Truss
Length: 140 feet over Sugar Creek
Note: Fourth oldest Indiana Covered Bridge featuring wood blocks

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