Bridges of Indiana's Counties - #8 Decatur Co. - Westport

Westport Covered Bridge, Decatur County, IN  (dwm photo)
The day we looked for the Westport Covered Bridge, the map indicated I was getting close as we went over a modern bridge when I glanced left.

There it was, spanning a mirror-still Sand Creek.

I pulled the car to the side of the road, grabbed the camera and started shooting.

Almost too-white, it gleamed.

According to the locally curated website,  it was built in 1880 and served local traffic until 1976 when only pedestrians were allowed to cross.

Built in 1880. Closed 1976. Re-opened 2004.
Photos 7/3/2010 dwm
It joined the National Register of Historic Places in 1980.

Then, in 2003, Decatur County received a grant to refurbish the grand old bridge.

In 2004, it was rededicated and reopened for traffic.

Many of the covered bridges I checked out had a window or two cut into the side walls.

None had windows running the full length of each side.

Refurbished to its former glory, the resilience crafted by the original builders made it last, surviving at least two floods where water reached or passed the bridge deck.
Some side windows were cut in 1930, expanded in the 50s.
dwm photo

This was the bridge which made my quest official.  Parke and Putnam Counties (still to come in this series) were home to dozens of bridges within short distances of each other.

The beauty of the Westport Bridge flamed my desire to visit each standing bridge in the Hoosier State to learn more about it and find its best side.

It wasn't about finding the bridge, it was to let the bridge find me - revealing itself between leaves; around a bend; or across a field.

Not every one matched the Westport Bridge, but
the adventure was worth the journey.

Decatur County
internet image
Westport Covered Bridge
Decatur County
Built: 1880
Style: Burr Arch Truss
Length:  115 feet over Sand Creek

Check out previous bridges here.
