Chapter 30 - Scotty's Turn

We were making good progress on bringing in the corn and beans from the field, which meant it was time to return to some other fields.

Scotty and Rich called for a meeting at Grace Lutheran for the team of people who helped John and Julie Johnson get their crops in and hay cut in mid-June.

It was very late for planting, but some hot August days and timely rains made it work for the Johnsons and a group of friends who convened to talk about the best way to harvest all of it.

Mike and Ben Miller were there at the table.  So was the Christopherson family and John and Jeff Hoppersberger.  The officers from the FFA were on hand too to help any way they could.

Scotty got everyone's attention and thanked them for coming and sacrificing some of their own valuable field time to help friends in need.

"Alright, everybody, all those acres we planted five months ago are ready for us to start picking.  In talking to the Hoppersberger boys (they work with the U.W. Agriculture department using some field for testing), not all the fields are ready but enough are for us to get started.

"Since we all have our own field work, too, Rich and I have looked at spending Saturdays and Sundays over the next month to get John's crop in."

Before he could continue, the door opened and in walked John.  Julie was at his elbow to help steady him they found a couple of folding chairs in the back.  The couple smiled bravely and waved at their friends.

"John.  Great to see you," Scotty continued, "we're putting a plan together here and I'm glad you and Julie could make it.  Rich, why don't you go through your schedule for everybody."

Rich flicked on the projector and a large spreadsheet appeared on the white wall in the church basement.  Various columns were headed with various chores:  Corn Harvest, Bean Harvest, Field Prep, Barn Cleaning, and some question marks over some other columns.

"Guys, you did great work last spring getting the Johnson's 500 acres in the ground.  The Christophersons took care of all four cuttings of hay this year, thanks guys.  It's good to see you back to help out some more.

"What I noticed in my little field survey of all of our fields is that we can take care of the Johnson family and get our crops done too."

"Uh, Rich?  Do want to back up a minute, did you say we can do both at the same time?"

"That's right, Mr. Miller.  We have corn and beans to harvest for the Johnsons and by my estimate the rest of us have another 850 acres of corn and 685 acres of beans to bring in before winter.  By using some teamwork, some assembly line concepts, and good old fashioned hard work - I believe we can do it.

"We will have combines working the bean and corn fields as early as we can after morning milking and work into the early evening.  During that time, the combines won't stop.  The Co-op will bring their fuel trucks out to fill the gas tanks while the grain is being off-loaded into the waiting convoy of tractors and wagons.

"If we approach it that way and really specialize in the work at hand - we will get it done.  The FFA kids, with some help from the local 4-H clubs, will team up with the church and city volunteers in keeping everyone fed and full of coffee.  Oh, Dad, there will be Mountain Dew just for you, too."

The group laughed and looked my way - I raised my glass to signify a toast (Mt. Dew, of course), "Thanks, Rich."

I could feel the energy in the room and smiles on the weathered faces around the fellowship hall as Rich and Scotty laid out their work plan to essentially finish all the field work in the entire township before Thanksgiving.

This kind of cooperation is a bit unusual for us.  Each of us are good friends, but we got into farming because of the independent nature of the work.  But, as Rich and Scotty reminded us -now is the time to come together and work.

As the meeting came to a close, I noticed Pastor Bob had been here all along - disguised in a seed corn cap with a cross where the seed company logo should have been.  Scotty asked him up at the end to lead the group in prayer.

"Father in Heaven, we thank you for this group of friends and the ability we have to work hard.  We thank you for the abundance of food in our fields, and we ask your continued protection and healing hand on the Johnson family.  Please bless our hands as we join them together in this effort.  In Jesus' name we pray."

The group joined in, "Amen."

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