Cross Plains, WI. 1/6/2024 dwm |
It's two-weeks to encourage people to get out and enjoy the beauty of winter.
There isn't anything like it in the United States that I know of, but I like the concept. In the upper Midwest, we have colder weather than the island nation but there are plenty of days to walk.
The best winter walking days are after a snow when the sun comes up and warms the day into the 30s.
Madison, WI. 12/29/2023 dwm |
While winter isn't official for a few more days, we've had a lot of weather that makes you want to stay inside. Other than a dusting or a few random flakes, we haven't had snow.
You can get ready for a winter walk. Make sure you have sturdy, water-proof shoes or boots, hat, gloves or mittens, and a scarf. I also suggest taking a camera to get shots with your phone.
The sun seems brighter after a snow. A full moon makes it so bright you won't need lights.
A hardy group of residents on Oakwood's east campus walk, weather-permitting, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If there isn't any ice, they walk.
When you get snow followed by a nice day, get out and enjoy the sights, sounds, and smells of a winter.
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