Trip 24 - Sunrise Ride

Heading south on the Badger. 8/24/24 dwm
Saturday was going to be busy, so I got on the bike early, before sunrise. I waited for there to be some natural light, then pumped the bike's tires, made sure the bike bag was packed, and rolled out of the driveway before six.

The route is the same length as the ride to McFarland and back but this one stays closer to home. 

I finished the protein drink before picking up speed on the Ice Age trail, following it to the Military Ridge path toward Madison. 

The sun appeared on the horizon 30-minutes into the ride as I rode south on the Badger State Trail. 

The hours around sunrise and sunset are called the 'golden hour' because of the sun's warm glow. 

Saturday was our fourth consecutive morning with cool overnight temperatures that created patches of ground fog which looked fantastic in the early light.

The Badger rides all the way to the Illinois state line where it meets the Jane Addams trail. A lot of riders from Madison take the trail until the pavement gives way to dirt and crushed limestone after crossing Purcell Road.  

Sunrise over a foggy corn field. 8/24/24 dwm 
 It was a beautiful time of day. Other early risers were just getting out and traffic was light with many folks off to a slow start.

 This week I didn't see a variety of wild creatures but there were upwards of four dozen rabbits munching on grass lining each side of the trail.

 I turned the bike around at Purcell and went north until I was across from Camp Randall stadium and the U.W. Field house.

 It was a great ride and a quick 32 miles setting up another sunrise ride Sunday.

Ground fog hovers above the corn. 8/24/2024 dwm photo
