5 Year Trial

Logo developed in July 2020
It was around this time five years ago I signed up to learn more about working as a voice actor.

It wasn't going to replace my day job but I hoped it would be a nice side-gig and potential road to something to stay busy with when I retired.

The training class began in late 2019. When Covid shut down almost everything, my classes continued because they were already happening on Skype. 

The professional audition was set for a local studio, but Covid made it impossible. Instead I had a producer from the east coast and an engineer someplace else (Pennsylvania, I think) while I spoke into a mic in my office.

I made a sketch of what I wanted as a logo and worked with a local company to get a product that could be used for my website and in print. I worked with a web developer in Alabama to design the site and get it up and running.

I joined two "pay to play" services that would send information on people or companies looking for a voice that matched my description (middle America, warm voice, mature). I auditioned hundreds of times. One service told me when I was a finalist, but, alas, never selected. The other service only contacted the talent if they were chosen, Nope, that didn't happen either.

Twice I had scammers send emails claiming to be interested in what I brought to the microphone. Thankfully, I realized something was fishy before losing money. 

I dropped the second of the two talent sites six months ago because it was clear I wasn't going to make enough to stay in the game. 

I could have done more marketing of my business. As Covid-19 lingered with restrictions on in-person visits, I didn't make the personal appeals that might have gotten me an opportunity. My one paying gig was as an emcee for a fundraising event, it was fun.

The whole experience was good and I'm glad I did it. Thanks to the investment I made in equipment I made dozens of videos that are available on my YouTube channel and for work. I'll continue doing that and I'm still interested in trying again when the time is right.
