My Week that Was - June 8

Lake Monona. 6/2/2024 dwm photo
 The week got off to a wet start. Light rain started around 8 am and hung around much of the day. Since it was forecast, I didn't have outdoor plans for Saturday, they were pushed to Sunday.
 I worked ahead on some blogs and looked forward to watching the Brewers play in the afternoon. In the evening, we continued what we started Friday night by watching a couple more episodes of "Northern Exposure." 
 It was a CBS show from 1990 with a "fish-out-of-water" story of a Jewish doctor sent to practice in Alaska. We enjoyed it 30+ years ago, and so far, so good on the re-watch.
Sunday after church, I changed into bike gear for a nice long ride (see Thursday's, June 6 blog). It was a good day to get out and one of my best rides this year.

Tuesday was the first of two donor dinners - guests could choose between entries of salmon, pork cutlet, and vegetarian cheese ravioli. Salmon was the overwhelming choice but a few swam against the stream of popular opinion. It was a nice crowd, with all but one who said they'd attend missing it. The dinner was very good, the selection of desserts were better!

Rain is falling regularly across south Wisconsin over the past month or so; it's washed the drought out of the way. The problem is too much rain and flash floods. Many of us are looking for things to even out.

Tuesday's day was so long, my watch ran out of battery power. I put it on the charger overnight but when I put it on early Wednesday before the gym I saw the time was wrong. I figured it would be an easy thing to fix when I got back. After my shower, I made sure the watch and phone were close to each other so they could synchronize information. That corrected the time and re-set the steps I had just put on at the gym.

Instead of nearly 10,000 steps before 7 am, I was at 541. I tried to get extra steps at work but when I got home I was still 2,000 short of 10,000 on the watch. I walked in place until I hit the mark, then took it off the next morning.

In the wee hours of Wednesday morning I woke up realizing a report I should have finished days earlier was still unfinished. Why it came to me then, I don't know, but I'm glad it did. When I got to the office five hours later, it was the first thing I did.

Thursday night I recorded two shows on History Channel, D-Day: The Unheard Tapes. It's a two-part documentary using taped interviews of survivors of the Normandy invasion from both sides. Actors portray the speakers, lip-syncing with the actual voices. It is excellent.

Friday I worked on several projects and gave a ride to two residents who requested a ride. Several blocks from campus there is small section I believe was developed for country houses years before Madison crept around them. It has a section of forest and a real country feel in the middle of the capital city.
I'm ready for the weekend, I hope you have a great week!
