My Week that Was - June 29

Day-lilies along a bike path. 6/23/24 dwm

 Saturday started a little out-of-sorts after my workout when I didn't feel good. After some rest and a nap, I felt better a few hours later but didn't do much the rest of the day. 

 I've mentioned before that we're watching a 1990s TV series, Northern Exposure, and after the weekend we're half-way through season three of six. It's better than I recall, and we liked it back then.

 Sunday I was back to normal and the weather was good, so after church, I was back on the bike. I'll bet it was the last day I wear my long-sleeve jersey until fall.

At work Monday, I learned a new phrase, "feeling 90s."


After hearing some context, I was told by a co-worker she was referring to a clothes purchase, I asked if that meant the clothing evoked 1990s style and was right. I'm not sure it's clearer than just saying that; just like saying something happened a minute ago isn't clear on whether it was last week or ten years ago. I'm not fighting the phrases of the day, but I probably won't use them unless I'm feeling 80s.

Wednesday our office made a step on the path to a new database. I told the account executive for our current system we wanted to end our relationship when our contract expires. Prior to the call I heard horror stories from friends who had trouble leaving their contract, so I feared the worst. While the call didn't make the account exec's day, he was a professional, walking me through the process. The end of this road is months away but I feel good about where we are now.

Thursday I took pictures and finished the first drafts of articles for the summer newsletter. The photos were with three members of our rehabilitation team as they demonstrated how caregivers use a Sara Stedy lift. The idea is to comfortably support the patient while they transfer from a bed to a chair or from one chair to another with a minimum of hands-on lifting. Devices like these when properly used, are better for the resident and the employee.

The afternoon was perfect for rickshaw rides, I had a steady stream of passengers for 90-minutes. The highlight was seeing a female wood duck and ducklings sunning themselves on a log in the middle of the vernal pond. The weather for this year's rides is completely different than last year when it was either wet or hot. Last year at this time, I had only given one ride!

I met with my doctor Friday. He suggested adding a few pounds and to drink more water. I started the new regimen with a protein drink on the way to the gym this morning.

As you start a new week, I hope it's a healthy one! 
