My Week that Was - May 4

Tulips at Oakwood University Woods. 4/24/24 dwm
The week started with a lot of rain and potential storms in the forecast. We got some rain and there were storms but they didn't hit us. 

The threat of rain was enough to keep me off the bike, so I worked on a couple things around home. I applied a couple coats of stain to the new board I plan to install in the deck.

After a run to Kwik Trip, there was a trip to the hardware store for a new window well cover to replace a broken one, then I was off to pick up a birthday gift.
Monday was a full day on Oakwood's east campus with appointments and the 10th of 11 pizza parties in the early evening. It was a strong turnout with a lot of good questions. I had a good time.
The office carpet. 4/18/24 dwm
Tuesday I worked on our next mailing and made calls while preparing for that evening's donor reception. It started at 6. We had a good crowd of 70 or more to enjoy a variety of desserts, at 6:30 we started the program with the campus chaplain, some words from our CEO, and I shared some statistics and thanks for a great 2023.

Thursday morning there was a special guest in the Foundation office. It was a steam-cleaning service. In preparation, we removed everything except desks and file cabinets so the cleaner could get it as clean as possible.

 The office used to be an apartment a decade ago, it's served as an office ever since. I've been in it almost 9 years. The floor is worn and marked in places with smudges, marks, and stains.

 Over the years I've had it cleaned. The worst offense was mine, when I spilled tomato soup. Environmental services cleaned the red but the area of the spill has looked bad since.

A cleaner carpet. 5/2/24 dwm
After the cleaning those smudges, stains, and spills are gone. The room looked and smelled 100% better. It feels like a new place. In putting some pieces back into place, I left several in storage, which will give us a cleaner, brighter look.

Friday I used another off day. I had a good experience giving blood at the Red Cross. Pain from the poke subsided quickly and I got a T-shirt! 

An interesting note about giving blood. You may know donors are eligible to give every 8 weeks, however, you can't give more than 6 times in any 365-day time frame. 

Originally Friday's appointment was to be a week earlier, but the Red Cross called to tell me about this rule, which moved my blood donation. And, I was told the same thing would apply if I gave 8 weeks from May 2, so I'm scheduled a week farther out.

After giving blood, we went to a 'trash and treasure' sale at Oakwood's east campus. It was a big production and the sales floor was bustling.  We went home after that. It was a beautiful day, so I took the bike out for a two-hour ride, more on that Sunday.

Thanks for reading - I hope you have a great week!
