Springing to Life

Crab apples nearly ready to blossom. 4/21/2024 dwm
The season turned to spring, late March 19. A month later, we've seen some early spring flowers; jonquils, crocus, and tiny early blooms.

Last week was the first time I noticed a tinge of green on branches and bushes. As we got into the weekend, leaves were unfurling into shape.

After lunch on Sunday, I noticed a flowering tree with dozens of mini-bouquets ready to bloom as soon as it warmed up.

The greening of the season can sneak up on a person as we transition from the drab of an expiring winter into the excitement of spring's new life.

Ivy re-greening walls. 4/17/24 dwm
 There is something about the shade of green during the first days of spring that is deeper, fresher, and more eager than the colors brought about by photosynthesis during summer. Not that I can prove it! 

 In a few weeks won't get as much of our attention as more flowers fly their colorful petals.

 That's the beauty of the changing seasons as we are surprised by the familiar as they re-emerge after a long slumber. We won't appreciate it for long but it stops us long enough to recognize the return and the significance of new life.

 Before we miss it, get out and walk around. Admire the bright green, listen to the peeping frogs and toads in the ponds, lakes, and ditches.

 You will be glad you did!
