Our new, old polling place. 4/2/24 dwm |
The lack of a primary battle in either party makes the primary elections anti-climatic. Our local election ballot had no contested seats, leaving two referendum questions that could change election laws.
A new thing about this election was where we voted. After several years voting at city hall, we were moved to the library, where we voted when we first moved to Verona.
Because the most recent elections had large turnouts, we were ready for the possibility, arriving 15 minutes before the polls opened so we could vote and get on with our day.
I was second in line, but the first to drop my ballot in the machine.
The forecast called for rain turning into a wintry mix followed by snow, maybe 3 to 5 inches, according to the local weather guys.
The snow started early afternoon. After a couple hours, those same experts said the Madison area could get more than 10 inches by the time the storm was finished.
Heavy, wet snow fell in the afternoon. 4/2/24 |
It came down hard for a while, the wind whistling between the buildings on our west campus. It was fun to see and pretty as a winter wonderland fell into place on our early spring landscape.
There was a flood, of sorts, at the office. Around mid-morning, the guy in the office next door noticed spots of water outside my door and along the wall.
As we tried to figure out where the water came from, there was no water on the ceiling or walls, just water on the carpet next to the baseboard and looking like a carpet leading away from the door.
Since water doesn't go up, we went downstairs and located dripping water in an empty storage room. The water fell across a water pipe and through a hole in the ceiling.
15 min. later. dwm |
I took a picture 15 minutes after the first water spots were found. When the water was finally stopped, the water had soaked the carpet more than halfway across the hall and the width of my doorway.
After the water was shut off, the environmental services crew had the water vacuum pulling the water out of the carpet. When the guy and large machine reached the second floor it only took a few minutes to dry the floor.
The water went post to post and several feet. |
We had our team breakfast Friday morning. It's been a great tradition and a good way to stay connected personally while working through issues or concerns in the office. Issues doesn't have to mean problems, in our case, we frequently discuss how we want to handle various situations.
This month we have our first two donor appreciation events and cards and calls accepting the invitations are pouring in.
Friday also served as a re-set on the weather. The sun was shining and it warmed into the 40s. That's a good change after snow a few days before.
The sun was also a reminder of what's coming next, have you prepared? Either way, I hope you have a great week!
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