My Week that Was - April 20

The capitol is right of center. 4/13/24 dwm
 Saturday was beautiful. The day started with a slight chill in the air, so I didn't get the bike out but instead went to the gym then had breakfast and worked around the condo before riding away.

 The weekend's project was to remove a mostly rotten piece of lumber in the center of our deck. The screws came out with few issues and in less than an hour it was out. 

 The replacement board we bought proved to be a good fit, but before it's installed, it was my job to scrape the peeling paint on the remaining boards so it would look nice and meet the condo association's standards. By the end of the weekend 

 The ride around Lake Monona was fine, finishing 43 miles in three hours. 

 Sunday after church, I did another ride, then worked on Tuesday's blog while the Brewers finished their three game series in Baltimore.

  Monday it was back to work after a three-day weekend. It was the first of four consecutive long weekends as I use some of my paid time off (pto). 

Ivy on an Oakwood building leafs out. 4/17/24 dwm

Just a week ago, I couldn't make contact with Pizza Hut for an order the following day. This time I reached my usual store and talked to the manager who said he didn't hear about their phone outage the week before.

I was especially busy Tuesday, with a pizza party at 11:30 and a donor reception in the evening. More than 80 donors attended. The event says thank you for their generous support. We share their impact but try to keep the program brief. 

Looking back at my first events last year, the goal was to embrace, "less is more." I high-lighted a few programs and projects, shared how much they gave, and wished them a good evening. Their reaction was positive.

You can see signs of spring. Wednesday the ivy on the wall outside an apartment building caught my eye because bright green leaves were apparent for the first time. It will only take a few weeks for the bricks to cover the wall.

Thursday was the last day of my work week. I spent time on our next mailing and completed paperwork on a legacy gift.

Friday was relaxing, I got up later than usual then headed to the gym. It was the second day in a row the TVs in the gym were only picking up local stations and a few cable channels that aren't on my favorites list. I wondered if it was a cost-cutting measure, but after the workout I asked the manager who said the cable boxes need to be switched out for ESPN and the other channels to be available again.

Thankfully the Wi-Fi still worked so I could watch ESPN on my Kindle.

The finale of a great Varsity Band Concert. 4/19/24 dwm

 Last night we went downtown for the Badger Varsity Band show in the Kohl Center. 

 I'll have more on that in tomorrow's post.

 It was our 8th concert since we returned to Wisconsin and the first time we sat on the floor. We had a great time.

 Afterwards we stopped at Portillo's for a snack on the way home. I went a bit overboard with a small chocolate malt and half of one of their signature chocolate cakes.  Yum!

Have a delicious week!
