Heart Work

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The daughter of a resident I was honored to know for nearly seven years spoke at his memorial service.

She recounted some of his professional accomplishments in research and the pride he took in his students as a professor.

The point she made that resonated with me was that her father wasn't working hard, he was doing heart work.

Colleagues, students, and others he came in contact with, whether it was a professional setting or not, knew he cared for them.

Loving what you do, loving the people you work with, as well as those who live with you or share interests is a good way to go through life.

It's impossible to do it 100% but it is worth the effort.  

How can we devote our selves to working with our hearts?  By taking an interest in the people around us and by doing the best job we can on every assignment. Doing a good job fulfills our end of the figurative contract with our customers, friends, family members, and colleagues.
Heart working isn't just a positive for the people around us, it's good for us. We'll feel better about our job, where we work, our families, friends, and co-workers.

No pressure, we know we'll let ourselves and others down but if those around us catch the heart working bug, forgiveness and grace will be there to repair the damage.

It's a great challenge, let's start heart-working!
