Bike Season is Coming

The west end of the pond at Dunn's Marsh. 2/22/24 dwm
There's been a lot of warm days in February which got me thinking about biking.

Last year I rode late into the year to meet my mileage goal and one thing I'd like to do about that is start earlier.

The unpaved trails aren't in great condition during early spring but streets and paved paths offer a lot of options in and around Madison.

I'm interested in heading north on Portage Road after 'discovering' that route last fall. 

Among the state trails, I'm hoping to give the Military Ridge Trail a chance to see if the ride from here to Dodgeville is smoother than it used to be. I'm also hoping to use a couple off-days for trails further away, like the 400 and Elroy-Sparta Trails north and west of Madison.

Inside Dane County, rides to McFarland and possibly Stoughton sound promising if a new route between those communities is finished.  Currently, state and county roads don't offer much protection.

Last year's drought favored weekly rides but I'm not counting on that again. Instead, I'm hoping to track 150 miles each month, which will reach my goal in 7 months.

It's easy to plan such things in February, I'm looking to hit the road some time in March.  

Happy Riding!
