An eagle over the WI River. 7-33a 1/20/24 dwm |
Since we moved back to Wisconsin, I've driven to Sauk Prairie early each year to observe and photograph eagles.
The best visits have been when it's cold and most lakes and parts of rivers are frozen, which causes eagles to gather around the hydroelectric dam outside of town.
The Wisconsin river was only frozen along its banks yesterday but as I crossed the river into Sauk City I saw the first of three dozen bald eagles.
It was a treat and a thrill to see so many of these majestic birds.
This roosting tree hosted up to 5 birds while I watched. dwm |
The extreme cold created clouds of fog over the river, a beautiful setting for pictures.
In years past, the area had a large sign advising people to stay in the vehicle to avoid alarming the eagles.
The sign was gone. I didn't realize it was OK to walk around until visiting with another photographer downtown. It may not make better shots but it would be easier taking pictures.
An eagle flies toward the river from nearby hills. dwm |
I was looking for eagles flying over the river and leaving their roost. Some eagles sat for long periods of time, on occasion it seemed some flew over the water in groups.
When a couple flew overhead, I noticed them headed into the forest. Splotches of snow on the evergreens made good camouflage, it took minutes before one moved, revealing the bird. (see photo below)
I sat facing the eagle in the tree top for 15 minutes before seeing an immature eagle (look closely in the photo and you'll see). After another 15 minutes, this eagle wasn't moving. I moved to a different vantage point. When I left, it was still in the tree.
'Eagle island' had 18 sitting there at one point. dwm |
By the way, the twin cities along the Wisconsin are Sauk City and Prairie du Sac, known together as Sauk Prairie.
The community celebrates Eagle Days on a January weekend. While I try to get to the river during January or February, I avoid that weekend. When my wife comes along, which she usually does, after pictures we eat breakfast and generally visit a couple shops.
This eagle was roosting near the observation deck. dwm |
I didn't come home with any spectacular shots but was excited about seeing so many birds. They were more active than I remember. I was there an hour earlier than most years, I suspect that has something to do with their activity.
As of last year, every county in Wisconsin is now home to at least one nesting pair of bald eagles. It's fun being able to see them around the state. It's a privilege to live near Sauk Prairie where they spend part of the winter.
Find the bald eagle on the left third then search for a second bird. 1/20/24 dwm |
A pre-sunrise flight near the dam over the Wisconsin River. 1/20/24 dwm |
This eagle is the one flying in the fifth photo. 1/20/2024 dwm |
Eagles with an eye on breakfast across the river. 1/20/24 dwm |
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