Saying Thank You

Photo by Nick Bartos - unsplash 
In my last job I was sometimes called, "the king of thank yous."

While the nickname was given in jest, I like being known for saying thanks.

This is National Thank You Day because if our parents didn't already tell us to sit down and write a thank you note to grandparents, aunts, and uncles, December 26 was the day to sit down and do them.

You don't need stationary or a special pen.  Find something to write on, think about what you want to say and why this particular gift is special and how you to plan to use it.

It's a fitting place to include why the gift-giver is important in your life and look forward to the next time you can get together.

Emailed thank yous are better than not saying thanks but hand-written notes are the most warmly received because the recipient knows it took you more than a few seconds to share your thoughts and feelings.

Come on now, you know who you should write, I'll end this post right here so you can get it done.  Thanks for reading!
