My Week that Was - December 30

Our 2023 tree. 12/25/23 dwm
I started the last week of 2023 a couple days early when I used time off the 21st and 22nd.  It was nice and relaxing.  I finished shopping and tried to help as much as possible around the house.

My other goal was to get more sleep.  Instead of heading to the gym between 4:30 and 4:45, my goal was to arrive closer to 6.  I saw different people and learned it is a little less crowded then.

The weather Saturday and Sunday was warmer and wetter than usual.  There were errands to run and on Sunday we attended Christmas Eve service.  There wasn't a lot of activity but that's what made it restful.  I liked that very much.  
The Packers managed to beat the Carolina Panthers, 33 - 30.  The offense played well, the defense wasn't effective giving up more yards to Carolina than they managed all season.  A win is a win.  For Green Bay to win Sunday night in Minneapolis they will need a much better all-around performance.

The Packers wrapped up their game a little past 3 Sunday afternoon, giving us just enough time to get to church.  We made it in time for the first hymn.  
Christmas morning we returned to celebrate the arrival of baby Jesus as the fulfillment of God's promise.  After church, we returned home where we were hosting a small dinner for son and daughter-in-law.  It was a wonderful night.
Tuesday I took off work, giving me the opportunity to get a few things done that are difficult to fit into a day of work, then rested and relaxed for a short work week. 

Oakwood's backyard after 2". 12/29/23 dwm
 A three day work week is a bit unusual but it was a nice way to end the year.
 Wednesday I made two dozen phone calls and started working on a couple of the projects coming up in the new year.

 Thursday we had our first forecast snow in several weeks.  It wasn't much, 2 inches where it fell on grass, on most roads it melted quickly. After days of rain it was nice to see snow.
 While the year ends Sunday at midnight, we won't close the year until the last of the 2023 gifts are counted at the office.  It looks like a strong finish.
I hope your last week of the year went well, and here's wishing you a very Happy New Year! 
