My Week that Was - December 2

1st measurable snow, less than 1" 11-26-23 dwm
  Saturday was a relaxing day.  After my workout, we went to the Prairie Cafe for breakfast then headed home to get a few things picked up and spent most of the day relaxing.

  The Badgers made it a good day by earning Paul Bunyan's Axe with a 28 - 14 victory over the rival Golden Gophers of the University of Minnesota.  After a slow start Wisconsin tied the score then built a lead, and rode it to a win.  Next up is learning which bowl game they'll play and who they will face. 

  The first 'real' snow fell Sunday.  It wasn't much but there was snow on the streets and sidewalks and everything else.  There wasn't a lot accumulation on the west-side of Madison, snow plow companies rushed to scrape it off before it melted.

 It was cold Sunday and Monday nights so the thin layer of snow stuck around a few days.  The biggest impact is its reflective properties that brighten nights.

The cold nights of Sunday and Monday created sauna-like conditions in the second-floor loft of my gym. It was easily 20-degrees warmer upstairs than the ground floor. Thankfully, it's usually comfortable in the gym.

Made a lot of progress with phone calls and getting things organized for the rest of the year.  At Oakwood one holiday tradition is fully back for the first time since 2019 as the "Hanging of the Greens" service was held.  The resident chorus sang for the first time since Covid shut down so much and put a complete halt to activities like group singing.  It was nice to experience that again.

Just learned this week that the protocol on oil changes, for my car at least, is to change oil now every 10,000 miles. That meant this week's service call was for tire rotation.  The shop decided not to because the tread indicates it's time for a new set of tires. The news didn't surprise me but I wasn't ready to hear it.

It's time to buy tires.

Lots of things to do to wrap up the week.  I finished a couple projects, prepared for a meeting early next week and had time to clean off the desk, shelves, and cabinet.  I tclean them twice a year whether they need it or not.

You might not picture me using a cloth and furniture polish to wipe down the wood surfaces but the process does a couple of things: it gets things squared away, putting stuff away while recycling or shredding the rest.  Second, the office smells better.

Here's hoping all the aromas in your life are pleasant.  I hope you have a great first week of December!
