Christmas Music

There may be no place like home for the holidays but if you don't have a white Christmas I don't care how cold it is.

I like a variety of styles when it comes to Christmas music but one rule is that it has to be December before I listen to Christmas songs and it sounds better if there's snow.

I generally prefer music with a beat but for this holiday I appreciate a wide range of styles.

Secular Christmas Songs:

My current favorite is Christmas Wrapping by The Waitresses.  It has a fun beat and unusual lyrics that make me stop, listen, and move every time I hear it.

A not-so-current song is my wife's favorite and it's so absurd to deserve being played at least once at every Christmas party, I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas.

Another seasonal favorite fell out of favor for valid reasons.  I never thought of the lyrics as describing an inappropriate situation, so the version I'm sharing features Miss Piggy and Michael Buble.

There are dozens of great secular holiday songs: There's no place like home for the holidays, All I want for Christmas is You, Have a Holly-Jolly Christmas, and The Christmas Song.

Since I am primarily of German descent and the product of a Lutheran school, I've sung most of the traditional and sacred songs at Christmas.  On Christmas Eve in a packed church with the only light coming from individual candles, there is nothing that matches Silent Night.  I only took one year of German but give me the words and it stirs the soul to sing at least one verse in Deutsch.

A more contemporary hymn is Mary, Did You Know?  It shares a very personal Christmas story.

If there is one sacred song that combines the deeply meaningful message with get-on-your-feet rejoicing, I enjoy Hallelujah Chorus.

That's a small sample but a fun mix of music for Christmas.  Merry Christmas!
