Saving Time

Sunset in Verona.   9/26/2014 dwm
Not that long ago, I liked going around the house the day before we moved clocks forward or back, changing them to Sunday's time a day early.

My reasoning was that (unless we had Saturday appointments) it was beneficial to acclimate gradually.

In 2023 there aren't many devices that need to be adjusted manually for the return to standard time or sprung ahead to savings.

The clocks on the stove and microwave need to be adjusted, as does the wall clock in the basement and the time piece on the water softener.  

The clock radio next to the bed doesn't need to be adjusted but that is more bother as I question whether I need to change it or not.

Falling back isn't a difficult adjustment for me, when I open an eye at 3:25, I know there is at least another hour to sleep.  

I like seeing the sun before 7.  We'll lose the early sunrise near the end of November until the start of February - but morning darkness was worse when we lived in Indianapolis because the sun sometimes didn't rise until after 8.  I didn't like that at all.

Unless you live in Arizona and don't worry about moving the clock around, I hope you remembered to set it before you went to sleep or knew it didn't matter what time you got up today.
