Holiday Shopping

In the Sugar Creek school gym. 11/11/23 dwm

 In advance of the holidays you expect to find craft sales, bazaars, plus trash and treasure sales.

 Last weekend we stopped at a sale not far from where we live that had a lot of everything.

 There were craftsmen and women in every aisle.  I spoke to one woman who made blankets and casual pillows that would look good in a kids room.

 An item that caught my eye were 'paintings' made of Lego bricks.  The Wisconsin motion W looked cool but at $25 was priced higher than I would pay.

We bought "dryer balls" that are a natural fabric softener.  We've had commercial versions that seem to do a good job when actual dryer sheets are thrown in the dryer during the same cycle.

Items for sale. 11/11/23 dwm photo

The best item I saw was local-source honey and wood-crafts that created scenes with a series of wood pieces, shadows, and light.

There were a lot of unusual and pretty designs that caught the eye.  There were holiday ornaments and lots of green and red color schemes laying in and around vendor booths.

I had all my money when I headed out.  My wife was a few bills lighter but also had some ideas of her own.

You may not find a lot of things at a holiday fair but the hustle, bustle, and interaction with fellow humans makes it a better holiday experience than online shopping.
