Giving Tuesday

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 In 2012 a couple of non-profits decided that Black Friday and Cyber Monday were fine but both left out the opportunity to help others.

 It's a call reminding people to pause while shopping for gifts, for others or themselves, to reach out and help people in need.

 The day lead to some charities, particularly colleges and universities, to establish their own giving day.  The University of Wisconsin calls theirs, the Day of the Badger.

 The goal is to get people thinking about the cause they care about and how they can make a difference with a gift.

 When you support a cause, you become a difference maker.  

While some not-for-profits generate their own income through admissions, tuition, or sales; they couldn't make it without generous donors.

If you like animals, you might like giving to the local humane society, ASPCA, or training program.  Maybe you want to support your Alma mater whether its a college or high school.  Or you might give to help people in need by giving to a food bank, shelter, or  program that helps people get back on their feet.

There are  lot of worthy causes.  There are also not-for-profits that try to raise money by taking advantage of prospects or misrepresenting their case for support.

National not-for-profits aren't bad because they're large but do your homework.  Local charities allow you to learn more about them yourself or by word of mouth.  Ask questions - don't be rushed into making a gift - and pay attention to how the organization treats donors.

Donors get to choose.

Decide what is important to you and how much.  The rest is up to you.
