30 Days

An early snow flurry. 11/26/23
30 days has November, April, June, and September. All the rest have thirty-one. Excepting February alone. And that has twenty-eight days clear, and twenty-nine in each leap year.   Mother Goose

The verse I looked up has September and November flipped around but since we are in the penultimate month it seemed the right thing to do.

This month flew by.  At the beginning we had nice days, just a few days ago the overnight low was 10!

Ten isn't unexpected in a Wisconsin winter but it is a tad early when the season is still autumn.

The days have arrived where I can drive to work and home again without needing sunglasses even though I go east in the morning and west at night.  I'll admit the days are pretty short for me to be working from sun-up to sun-down.

As November exits stage left, we enter the fun days of winter when most of us welcome that first thick blanket of snow that covers the ground and like the idea of a white Christmas.

December has an extra 24-hours of early winter fun before the serious side of winter arrives in the north.

Buckle up.
