My Week that Was - October 21

Donut holes and tea at Vessel Cafe. 10/14/23
 After my workout, we started Saturday at the Vessel Cafe in Cross Plains.  I was too hungry to wait for my order, so I requested two doughnut holes with hot tea while waiting for the main course.
 The doughnuts were tasty.  If I hadn't already ordered, I might have eaten four.  
 On our first visit to Vessel, I ordered biscuits and gravy, which sounded good for a cold and rainy morning. It was delicious.

 We drove west after breakfast to the Oakwood Fruit Farm.  It wasn't raining around Richland Center but it was damp enough I only took a few pictures.  We made a round of the store, picking up apple cider, apple cider donuts, and actual honey crisp apples.
Fresh apples for sale.

Then it was on to Black Earth and the best shoe store I've ever visited.  There's always a crowd at The Shoe Box.  A nice feature of the store is that there are plenty of people available to help you buy shoes.

There was one more stop, at Machinery Row Bikes in downtown Madison.  

I needed a helmet and a couple accessories, a rear view mirror that attached to the helmet and a water bottle.  I needed the helmet more than I thought, it's much more comfortable than the old one and the new mirror is much better than the previous model.

Machinery Row Bicycles. 10/14/23 dwm
 Sunday was much nicer than Saturday.  It was windy and cool but it wasn't raining.

 After church I put on my bike gear, bundled up, and headed out.  You can read more about the ride here.  It was cold and the wind made it challenging but I  finished 55 miles closer to the goal.
 Monday I was on the west side of town for a meeting and became heavily involved on the first drafts of our year-end letter.  Work on the letters continued into Tuesday, I'm hoping to have them ready to print by early next week.

 Wednesday was the last of three pizza parties on the University Woods campus.  It was an opportunity to share information and answer questions.  I hope it was helpful.

An image  of the Covid-19 virus. internet image
Thursday I received an interesting news, that I had been exposed to someone diagnosed with Covid-19.  I was told to mask up for the next five days, with an eye out for symptoms.  On the fifth day, I take a test to see if I have it.  The results and whether I have symptoms will determine what happens next.

The reason I was vaccinated and boosted three times (waiting on the next round) is to either fend off or reduce whatever the virus wants to give me.  I don't expect to get sick.

Despite being potentially exposed to Covid-19, since I didn't have symptoms it was OK to give blood.  
It was a memorable visit.  The phlebotomist didn't get a good 'stick' on my left arm.  I'm at least partly responsible, as I moved slightly as the needle was going in.  After trying to find the vein for a minute or two, we pulled the plug and used the right arm.
Everything was fine from there, with a 'good stick' it took just 5 minutes and two seconds to finish my 131st donation.
The rest of the day was busy in the office as there were dozens of thank you letters to sign and distribute.  In my line of work, that's a great problem to have.

There is still a shortage of blood, if you're eligible, please make an appointment to roll up your sleeves.  Have a great week!
