Be Nice

Early Autumn in Sauk County
 When I don't have any ideas for the blog I check out to see if the various 'holidays' trigger any thoughts.

 For example, October 5 is: National Be Nice Day; National Caribbean Civility Day; National Do Something Nice Day; and perhaps related, National Kiss a Wrestler Day.

 Niceness isn't always seen as a good trait, hence the saying, "Nice guys finish last."  

 If you've agreed to be part of a blind-date and your friend describes your date as "nice," you might be disappointed, hoping for adjectives like knockout, beautiful, and captivating.

"Do to others as you would have them do to you." are words of Jesus quoted in the Gospel of Luke, chapter 6, verse 31.  I hear those words as a directive to be nice.

Nice may not get you places but I believe if you are nice to others you'll find it easier to sleep at night. 

Unexpected acts of kindness have made my day many times, and I bet have brightened your day as well.  A nice word shared with a person who could use a boost provides a personal connection of caring.  It's a hallmark of a civil society - little things - holding a door open, allowing a car to turn in front of you, giving change to someone a little short in the checkout line - will spread niceness, make someone feel good, and you'll be glad you did.

This whole nice thing is easier said than done, of course.  I'm not as nice as I could or should be.  I'm not perfect (you already knew that) and I bet you admit a slip-up or two along the way as well.  When the opportunity presents itself, today, tomorrow, and the next day give being nice a chance.  

If kissing a wrestler is an option, that might be a very nice thing for you to do for them!
