A New Page

Age 9, 4th grade
People change.  

That doesn't mean we do change or want to change, just that it's possible and in some situations necessary.

However, I think the things that make us who we are stay constant.  Naturally I'm thinking of the positive traits or reflexes when it comes to difficult or new situations.  I realize some of the traits we find less desirable stick around as well.

Wherever you come down with that hypothesis is fine with me; it's a personal matter.

When I look in the mirror or think about who I am as far as the world around me - my personal frame of reference is my late teens and early twenties.  There were patches of confidence in there, islands in the midst of self-doubt, worry, and ambition.

Since you're taking time to read this, and you've read more than these six paragraphs, you probably know what I'm like or have an idea.

As the decades of life roll by... teens, twenties, thirties, etcetera, etcetera - I think of who or what I am more than how long I've lived.  The years add seasoning to the cocktail of our personality, hopefully for the better.

As I begin another trip around the sun, I'm thinking about the most recent decade, the fifties.  During that time both kids turned 30 which turned my head since I couldn't understand how the little boy inside me could possibly have children that old.

More ruminating tomorrow; in the meantime, I've collected blog posts that highlight some of those years, you can follow this link to see what you may have missed.
