It's Common Courtesy

Robin.  3/16/2018 dwm photo

Today recognizes the importance of common courtesies for our fellow men and women.
In a world filled with lines of separation the things our parents or grandparents might have referred to as 'common courtesies' are exactly what we need.

My view is that they should be universal.  For example, holding the door open for a person shouldn't matter if it's for a man or woman, either will appreciate it.

Just dialing back the clock to 2005, I recall my first day walking into Lutheran High School of Indianapolis as an employee and noting of the common courtesy shown by the student who held the door for me.  Their action didn't register in their mind; in mine it showed uncommon courtesy.
It might throw some people off their stride if you acknowledge them with a friendly smile and 'good morning/afternoon.'  I'll lay good odds you won't offend anyone.  Those who might be bothered wouldn't notice the courtesy in the first place.

Let the "little old ladies" cross streets on their own, they are capable of such things, but if you see someone struggling, ask if you can help.  That's inoffensive and takes the person off the hook of asking for help.

You may be wondering what courtesies are common?  According to a website called Literally Darling, there are a number of things they label as "Human 101:"
  • Let people finish their sentences
  • Accept other people live in this world (a/k/a it's not about you)
  • Understand how money works
  • Share knowledge (appropriately, don't showoff)
  • Be polite (please, thank you, good morning...)
  • Be helpful
  • Respect a difference of opinion (maybe this should be #1)
  • Learn how to pronounce people's names (I'll add that learning their kids and pet's names is appreciated too)
  • (speaking of pets) Pick up after your pets
  • Be kind to people
  • Servers are people
  • Put positive energy into the world, and 
  • Don't judge a book or person, by their cover

Do a couple of these every day and you'll change the lives of the people around you!
