Valentine's Day

Photo by Jamie Street,
 Did you remember your Valentine today?

 It could be nearly anyone.  At the Oakwood Foundation, we decided to send many of our donors a Valentine card to thank them for the love they show for the residents and staff on two campuses.

 Back in elementary school, I suspect your class had a Valentine's tradition of decorating shoe box size mail boxes to receive cards.  In my classes, I recall giving every classmate a Valentine - a small one with some school-related pun and a cartoon character on the front.

 Your friends can be a Valentine; then of course, your special person/significant other/spouse, siblings, children, and parents are Valentines at the next level of human love.

Those folks are probably more than card-worthy, it's appreciated when you send flowers, candy, or take them to dinner the day love is celebrated (heart-shaped pizzas are a hit with my wife).

I've been wearing my Valentine tie since February 6th.  It's covered with conversation hearts and generates conversation with all kinds of people who have to make a comment.

My comment for you, Happy Valentine's Day!
