Resolved: 2023

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 Does anyone think resolving to put Covid behind us will work any better than it did in 2021 or 2022?
 I want to think so but evidence suggests we will have to live with and manage it just as we have other contagious diseases.
 Be Kind.  That's an excellent resolution.  If half the people in the world made it their brand imagine how the world would look!
 Be truthful.  Also an excellent idea, especially if truth in news coverage and public discourse is based on fact.
In 2023, I resolve to listen to the other side of an argument, to hear opinions different than mine.  We don't have to agree but we can move things in the right direction by moving close enough to carry on a conversation instead of a shouting match.

I resolve to read at least five books in 2023.  Since I started writing this blog, a lot of the time I spent reading shifted to writing.  I enjoy biographies, thrillers, mysteries, and history and have a list of books it would be good for me to read.  Maybe I can combine these resolutions by reading a book from a different point of view.
It's tempting to think of more things I ought to do but I'm more likely to follow-through on two plans. That's my resolution, what's yours?
