Cafe Hollander

Hilldale Mall, Madison 1/14/23 dwm

It's a collection of five restaurants in Wisconsin with locations in Milwaukee, Wauwatosa, Brookfield, Mequon, and Madison called Cafe Hollander.

According to their website, the concept is based on bicycle trips the owners took in the Lowlands of Europe.  They were impressed with neighborhood establishments and their food and beverages reflecting the local culture.  They opened their first cafe in 2007 in the Downer neighborhood of Milwaukee.  

Madison's Cafe Hollander opened in 2015.  

I've eaten there close to a dozen times, most of them with colleagues as we meet quarterly in the Cafe for a working breakfast.

Yesterday was at least the third time my wife and I picked it for our Saturday breakfast.

I love the emphasis inside on biking. There are bikes on display and blown-up photographs of early winners of the Tour de France.

A Belgian waffle and side of bacon. 1/14/23
 It feels like an outdoor cafe - the outside walls are connected to garage door openers so it guests can enjoy open air dining in the summer.  
 In the winter, they have domes large enough for a table seating 6 - 8 people.  A server told us they are pretty comfortable to 20 degrees.
 I've not tried Cafe Hollander for lunch or dinner, if it's as close to excellent as breakfast, either will be a winner.
 It's very good.  It's not cheap and you won't need to take a second mortgage to cover dinner.  My breakfast (photo left) with a glass of chocolate milk was $16. 

Cafe Hollander survived Covid, how have you survived this long without giving them a try?

All photos by the author.
