Part of Jacob's Falls. |
As we drove between Eagle Harbor and Eagle River we passed a small bakery then a water fall just feet from Michigan Highway 26.
My wife wanted to see the bakery. I was interested in the road-side water fall. We went back and found a parking space at the bakery. She walked into the store, I walked to the falls.
The most visible part of Jacob's Falls is 20-foot slide into a small pond which then flows downhill. It's the last drop for the water which actually falls over 200-feet. If you follow a trail or the creek, you eventually get to the Upper Jacob's Falls a half-mile uphill.
It was just starting to rain when we stopped, so I took a dozen pictures then ran back to the car as my wife returned with a bag of treats from an unusual bakery.
The Jampot Bakery opened in 1986. It's run by the Society of St. John which operates the Holy Protection Monastery established in 1983.
The Jampot Bakery. |
The monks in the monastery originally just sold Poorrock Abbey preserves made of wild berries grown near the store.
They added more varieties of jams and jellies before baking fruitcakes, muffins, cookies, chocolates and candies, plus mixes.
Sales benefit the Monastery. The store is open mid-April to mid-October.
I enjoyed the cookie as we headed down the road to the Eagle River Lighthouse.
Both photos by David Mossner 9/17/2022.
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