My Week that Was - August 20

On Cap City trail near Dennett Drive, Madison
 Saturday was unusually cool and despite the forecast for scattered showers it was dry when I got out of bed, so I hopped on the bike.

 I didn't have a route in mind when I started the trip without a plan.  After stopping for breakfast at Chic-Fil-A I connected with the Southwest Commuter path where it skims the edge of the Dudgeon - Monroe neighborhood.

 From there I started a clockwise ride around Lake Monona; it wasn't long after the photo (left) when another bike caught up at a stoplight.

He never passed me.  

It seemed he enjoyed drafting and didn't want to get around on the hills where he could.  After I made the turn up a sharp incline up a bluff we were close enough to start a conversation and rode together until going in opposite directions where the Capital City trail turns south.

That's where the ride got interesting.  As I approached Lake Farm County Park I noticed dark clouds to the west.  After looking at the weather radar, it appeared heavy rains would soon fall.  I took cover and let the family know where I was.  Soon after they offered to pick me up before the 'storm' got there.  

It seemed prudent.  But as we drove back to Verona the clouds didn't look as gray and we didn't get a sprinkle!  The result was a slightly shorter ride since I left at least 12 on the trail.

Monday after three morning visits, it was time to give rickshaw rides on the east campus.  It was a perfect day and we were busy.  Another volunteer pilot and I combined to give 11 rides.  A focal point on campus is the new community garden.  It may be a happy coincidence or thoughtful planning, whichever it might be it was wonderful to discover the bike fits between rows of garden beds.  Those gardens are various shades of green with tomato plants and sunflowers towering over us as we rode past.

The middle of the week I concentrated on the first draft of our employee appreciation letter scheduled to go out next month.  It helps to begin with an employee to feature in each version of the letter.  So far there is one compelling story while searching for an employee to work with on the other campus.  I hope to have a plan in place early next week.

This week it came to my attention that in an earlier version of this blog, there was a place readers like you could subscribe and receive an email when a new post went live.  I'm not sure when that disappeared, I suspect it vanished the same time I lost the ability to have two line captions under photos.  

If you go to the bottom right side of the home page where it reads "Click here so you don't miss a post!" hover over the word "posts" and click.  Then follow the link to NetVibes to add to your dashboard.  I believe that's all it takes but I'll admit this process is new to me too.  You may have to create a Net Vibes webpage to get their updates.

The weather has been seasonably mild all week - a nice change of pace from the usual heat and humidity of August.  I'm hoping it keeps up for a few more days and that you have a great week!

Photo taken by David Mossner August 13, 2022.
