Happy Fourth!

Indy Freedom Blast. 7/4/2011 (dwm)

On July 4, 1776,  the Second Continental Congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence to announce the colonies’ separation from the Kingdom of Great Britain, the Library of Congress says.

We have the independence thing down; we have lost some of the co-dependency required to make the union a working relationship.

246 years later the freedoms we enjoy remain as important and valuable as the day the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration.  

Freedom of speech is a great blessing.  It's even better when balanced with the willingness to listen and consider other way to find middle ground.  These days it seems the loudest voices belong to the most ardent red and blue believers who consider the shade of purple to represent in-authenticity.

The founders followed the Declaration of Independence eventually with the Constitution which laid a base for a democratic republic.  That style of government expected the majority to rule and when they lose, to exit the stage and act as the loyal opposition.  

The loyal opposition is critical to our success as a nation.  They point out errors or raise awareness of unintended consequences to keep the country on the right path.  Sadly, we still have people and the former leader of the "free" world arguing about an election stolen from them - dismissing the overwhelming evidence and the fact that thousands of their fellow citizens worked the polls.  Those individuals put country before party as their sworn duty. 

There is a lot to question about the United States of America. 

The answers are there to be found by patriotic men and women who want the best for every American.  It's happened before when the chips were down and the USA was on the ropes - it's time to do it again!  
