My Week that Was - June 25

South on the path near Rauls Rd.

Saturday and Sunday combined, I rode 75 miles last weekend.  The first ride was making my way counter-clockwise around Lake Mendota.  Sunday I rode the trail north of Middleton to it's end point and back.

Saturday I was on the bike early and was home by ten.  Sunday I didn't leave until 11.  That meant the sun was high in the sky.

It go me.  When I got home the skin was darker but it was four hours later before I noticed the continued heat from the sun.  Thankfully that heat faded by the next evening.

Monday was forecast as hot and humid, which caused those in charge to change the time for rickshaw rides at Oakwood.  The rides were moved to morning, when I was previously scheduled.  I wasn't able to pilot but it was a good call for residents to avoid the heat of the day.

Tuesday mid-afternoon I had a meeting with the local association of professional fundraisers.  It was an informal opportunity for those new to the business to meet and talk with veterans, sharing stories and advice.  

It was nice to be asked.  I'm not sure how helpful I was but hopefully provided some encouragement and an idea or two which helps along the way.

The work week was a bit of a blur.  There were several hot days and on Thursday I had three donor visits, two of them back-to-back that ran nearly three hours.  They were good conversations but it can be difficult staying focused that long.

Friday was my 124th time giving blood.  It hurt more than usual.  The phlebotomist thought she may have nicked a nerve.  Possibly, it still twinges a bit as I write this.

And that's the final note of my week that was... Friday evening when I usually tie a bow on this post our cable and internet services were down until after I went to sleep.  That's why I'm finishing it Saturday morning and posting it two and a half hours later than usual.  I hope it doesn't upset your day.  :-)

Have a great week!
