Let it Go Day

Flowers in the garden. 6/18/2022 dwm photo
 If there is something that keeps you up at night... today is the day to let it go.

 Easier said than done, of course.

 Maybe you are holding on to something; can't find it in yourself to forgive someone; or can't ask forgiveness from someone else.  Today is the day to let it go, to let it out.

 Just because something is bothersome, we don't have to let it control us or take an apartment in our mind.  Think about it, pray about it, ask or give forgiveness and LET IT GO.

It doesn't help to worry and think about what you covet or what you lost.  It's gone, move on.  That's the purpose of June 23 as "Let It Go" day.  Rinse the regrets right out of your hair. Shed the coat of worry.  You don't need to leave it somewhere you can find it. 

Look back a few years or a few decades and you probably can't remember the biggest chips on your shoulder or major regrets because there are bigger or more recent fish and issues to handle today.  Handle them to the best of your ability and move on.

You may discover the biggest issue is letting go of those things you know you should drop.  As Pumba said in The Lion King, "It's times like this my buddy Timon here says: you got to put your behind in your past."
