My Week that Was - April 9

Our new polling place in Verona. 4/5/2022 (dwm)
Batting .500 is amazing in baseball, not so much in picking teams.  I was right about Kansas, wrong about Duke in the Men's Semi-Final last Saturday.  

The Jayhawks defeated North Carolina Monday in the championship.  It was an impressive win sparked after halftime as Kansas recovered from a 16-point deficit to defeat the Tar Heels.

Sunday, we had sun much of the day, before it clouded over.  The rain and snow over the last couple weeks has been helpful and necessary as much of Wisconsin is drier than normal.

Tuesday was election day.  Only local races are on the ballot and only one of them was contested.  In a strange coincidence, the candidate I chose won their race.

Tuesday was also the first day for our new hire.  It's a shared position with another department.  We agreed in the interview the candidate checked all the boxes, Tuesday was the first day to see if we made a good choice.

Tuesday and Wednesday were positive.  Actually, more than that, I was pleased at how quickly see him quickly relax and fit in.  The first week is that, the first week.  He has to learn us, we have to learn him.  So far, we're off to a great start.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were busy as I tried helping with his training and a Thursday trip to the Prairie Ridge campus that included monitoring the installation of new leaves to our donor wall and a pizza party.  

Wednesday evening was when I began not feeling so hot.  My temperature is normal, so fighting through the cold as usual, but blog-writing this week isn't.  I hope to be back to "normal" next week!

Here's to good health - give God thanks if you are blessed with it!
