Veterans Day

Flag flying on cloudy day, Verona Wisc.
 11/15/2020 dwm photo
 Veterans Day grew out of Armistice Day which recognized the end of fighting in World War I at the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day, in the eleventh month of 1918.

 Which made that the end of the war to "end all wars."  Sadly, while the armistice lead to the Treaty of Versailles, it wasn't the last war.

 Veterans are the men and women who fought or fight for us and the ideals for which this country stands.

Memorial Day honors those who gave their lives in service of their country.  Veterans Day honors all who wore the uniform.

As the bumper sticker reminds us, we are the 'home of the free, because of the brave,' which is true in the sense that bravery or courage is moving ahead while respecting or fearing the battle in front of you.

In 2021, it seems those of us who haven't been in harms-way appreciate the invisible scars and wounds left by military service on many veterans.  As a country we need to provide more support for the men and women who served and their families during and after their uniformed service. 

This Veterans Day the United States is called to recognize people from another country who put their lives on the line working alongside our servicemen and women.   It's an easy reflex to discount work done thousands of men and women in Afghanistan to help the United States root out terrorists and the Taliban while trying to establish a democracy.

At the end of the Vietnam War, thousands of Hmong fled Southeast Asia because they fought alongside Americans which made them the enemy when the United States went home.

"Leave no men behind," is the credo of those on the front lines - those of us behind the front should recognize the importance of bringing our allies home... which seems especially fitting on Veterans Day.
